Favorite things: * soup simmering on the stove * studying the Bible * candles flickering in the dark * camping * reading books aloud * a colorful garden harvest * listening to audio books while I hike * nights at the theater * the moon * fall * baseball * earrings and wrap bracelets * long yoga stretches * winter * painting * watching my kids sparkle when they do things they love…
Hi there! I plan to do some reworking of this page and make space to share my fitness journey, but until then, here is a general intro to my blog, my family, and my heart…
I’m Rebecca, a busy momma who loves to be amazed by the beautiful or unexpected. I love when something wonderful blows my mind or stirs my soul. I want my kids to be alive to the wonders around them, too. I want us as a family to see and to celebrate the hand of the God of Wonders at work in every season of the year, in every season of life.
So we get outside, we dive into books, and we explore the beauty found in painting, music, theater, and all kinds of artsy stuff. We gather around the dinner table to talk about things we are learning and the deep mysteries of life. Okay, sometimes the conversation centers on belly buttons or why it is bad manners to lick your plate, but still, there is wonder to be found in the rhythm and routine of everyday family life.
And I don’t want to miss it.
Looking back, I know there were seasons when I was too busy trying to do everything right, when all I could see was mess and hard stuff, when I was just too exhausted to see the wonder. I don’t want to do that again. I don’t want this season, or any season, to go by in a blur of wonder-less busy.
So here at Season of Wonder my goal is to settle into the wonder of the season. To recognize it, enjoy it, and share it with you. The primary places I seek wonder include the Bible, nature, books, the arts, good food, and the always wonder-filled journey of parenting. I know you probably won’t see the wonder in all of these things the same way I do (if you do let me know, because that means we are kindred-spirit-soul-sisters and should form a club or something), but my hope is that something here will grab you—a new recipe, a read aloud book suggestion, a bit of truth from God’s Word—and you’ll find yourself equipped and encouraged to more fully experience your own Season of Wonder.
Please know that the way we roll as a family—the ways we create and connect—is not always very polished and it is never perfect. But I’m not (I have to remind myself sometimes) looking for polished or perfect. I’m looking for wonder.
How about you?
May my words here be a celebration of the good and beautiful gifts God gives and an expression of His creative and redemptive work in me.
Yep, it is true. I am a Jesus-following, wonder-seeking mother of five. In my pre-kid days, I never imagined having such a large crew; I wanted three kids, my husband Andrew thought four sounded good so the compromise was...five? Thank goodness God’s math is different than ours.
It turns out that five is the absolute perfect number for Andrew and I and it is my joy (and also my character-developing, patience-building, sin-exposing challenge) to spend this season of life learning and growing with Palmer, Haddie, Bridger, Landon, and Soren.
We call Cedar Rapids, Iowa home and love living in a place that experiences all four seasons, each one full of wonder. (Well, Andrew might occasionally curse the cold, but I never waver in my love of all the seasons, especially winter.) You can often find me out hiking, biking, or snowshoeing (depending on the season of course), and general “nature adventuring” with my kids.
My favorite time of the week is Friday night. That’s when I cook a fancier-ish dinner while grooving to the sounds of classic jazz standards. When all is ready we light candles, crack open a bottle of wine, and celebrate. What exactly are we celebrating? Simply that God is good, in every season of the year, in every season of life.