By God’s good design, good things happen when we move our bodies; our mind clears, our mood lifts, and we experience in our entire being that, yes, we can do hard things! And goodness knows there are plenty of hard things that confront us in the realm of fitness, food, and body image.

We are tempted to look for satisfaction in a number on a scale or to find comfort in a carton of ice cream. We can easily slip into a season of obsessing over our bodies or get completely stuck in a place of neglect.

But God wants more for us.

free spirits

fit bodies

full hearts

The move towards wholeness begins with a single step, one move in the right direction.

At Made to Move Fitness, we can take that step together.

Click below to explore ways you can join me in my home studio as we pursue wholeness. Also, feel free to reach out you if you’d like me to come to you and your community of women; picture a group of women in your church gym sweating it out together or stretched out long on a mat. (I believe movement should be part of every women’s retreat!) Or maybe your Book Club group would love to dive into The Wellness Revelation©. There’s so much we could do! Let’s be creative and get moving!