Giggles: A Theater Prompt to Complete the Creative Prompt Trilogy
A squiggle is a quick and easy art prompt, a wiggle is a creative writing prompt. What is a giggle? A quick and easy theater prompt!

Wiggles: A Wacky Writing Prompt Guaranteed to Give You the Giggles
Wiggles are a wacky writing prompt that prove once again that creative minds think differently.

Squiggles: No Prep, No Fuss Art Fun for the Whole Family
Squiggles are an easy art prompt for all ages that celebrate how creative minds think differently, and are almost guaranteed to give you the giggles!
The Neighborhood News: Good News for Everyone
Publishing The Neighborhood News provides a monthly creative challenge for our kids and a hefty dose of cheer for our neighbors. It truly is a win-win!
Art Fan: How to Cheer Kids on to New Creative Heights
To be a sports fan is fairly straightforward; sit in the stands and cheer! But what does comparable support of the arts look like? What does it look like to be an “art fan?”

Christmas Hymns
Christmas hymns, packed with truth and beauty, invite us to kneel before the manger in worship and wonder. Oh, and they make lovey Christmas gifts, too.

Cultivating Gratitude: Five Thanksgiving Projects for Your Family
Five Thanksgiving project ideas to help your family seek goodness, count blessings, and give thanks together.

One Dog Canoe: A Living Room Production
On stage, once again at the LeVake Family Theater, One Dog Canoe! This story is a great read aloud book and a great “act it out” book. Read on for tips on how to bring this story to life in your own living room theater.

Birch Tree Paintings
This painting project is simple and fun (i.e. messy). The end result makes kids say “Wow! Did I do that?” If you ask me, those are the very best kinds of projects.

“The Luck of the Buttons” & The Love of Iowa
The Luck of the Buttons introduces us to a host of delightful characters living in small town Iowa in 1929. You might call them gullible or naïve, but I call them innocent, trusting, and blessed to live in Iowa. Because regardless of what Soren thinks, Iowa is one of the “cool” places.

Romeo and Winifred
This hilarious parody makes me laugh, and the teenagers bringing it to life on the stage make me proud.

August Impressions
The art work of Monet (and my kids) encouraged me to take a step back in order to look for the beauty in an August that up-close looked dark, dusty, and full of decisions.