All That’s Good: A Summer Read that Goes Well with Weeds
As we used our eye for botanical discernment to tackle a massive weeding project, the words of Hannah Anderson in her book “All That’s Good” trained my heart in the broader art of discernment.

An Eye for Wonder: Prepare Your Family to be Wowed When Traveling
If we expect to see the beauty and blessings around us — if we actually look for them–we are much more likely to find them. Here are some tips in how to prepare the mind and stir the imagination so that your family is ready to be wowed on your next adventure together.

Let Us Eat Lettuce: Main Dish Summer Salads
Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad, Southwest Chicken Salad, and Big Mac Salad — Three main dish summer salads that keep the garden lettuce tasting fresh and delicious.
Zucchini Cookies
These cookies are simple, hearty, and, as I found out this summer, can be made with any kind of summer squash.

August Impressions
The art work of Monet (and my kids) encouraged me to take a step back in order to look for the beauty in an August that up-close looked dark, dusty, and full of decisions.

Pesto Salad
The purpose for which I believe God created iceberg lettuce is this Pesto Salad.

Green Beans
Green beans: healthy, colorful, and, if you cook them this way, you just might get a compliment worth remembering.

Peach Crumb Pie
Can’t decide between fruit crisp or fruit pie? The crumb topping is the answer!

Five Nature Journaling Methods: Which One is Best for You?
Enjoying nature, art, and my kids all at the same time?...It doesn’t get much better than that. Here are five methods to get you started on your own nature journaling adventure.

Kale & Quinoa Salad
I usually consider cooking to be an art form, but the creation of this particular salad recipe was pure science! A big bowl of it makes a perfect summer lunch, or serve it as a delicious and nutritious side dish to something coming off the grill…

“The Raft” and the Wonder of Drawing Close
“When you draw something, you get closer to it and know it better.” - Jim LaMarche
Even before I put my colored pencils to paper, this statement, tucked in the foreword of The Raft by Jim LaMarche, resonated with me. It just made sense. It made so much sense in fact that I found myself buying notebooks and colored pencils and telling the kids we were going to “go outside and draw stuff.” As we thus stumbled into the world of nature journaling, I quickly realized that we had come upon a powerful study method that would indeed draw us closer to the wonders of God’s creation…