Family Life
The story of how our family traded trouble-making for peacemaking one puzzle piece at a time.
This story of Mother Robin and her squawky brood reminds me to slow down and enjoy my full nest days, even when my own brood is being loud and squawky.!
As toddler Soren tossed rock after rock and and enjoyed splash after splash, his restless and agitated soul found peace, right there beside still waters…
Here are some of our favorite Read Alouds from 2023. We’ve got elephants, porcelain rabbits, and bridges. We’ve got historical fiction, comedy, and non-fiction. My guess is that there is something here for you.
A squiggle is a quick and easy art prompt, a wiggle is a creative writing prompt. What is a giggle? A quick and easy theater prompt!
New routines can be exciting. They can also be challenging. As we begin a new school year, we once again need God to meet us in this season with his mercies that are new every morning, new every season.
Wiggles are a wacky writing prompt that prove once again that creative minds think differently.
Squiggles are an easy art prompt for all ages that celebrate how creative minds think differently, and are almost guaranteed to give you the giggles!
As we used our eye for botanical discernment to tackle a massive weeding project, the words of Hannah Anderson in her book “All That’s Good” trained my heart in the broader art of discernment.
If we expect to see the beauty and blessings around us — if we actually look for them–we are much more likely to find them. Here are some tips in how to prepare the mind and stir the imagination so that your family is ready to be wowed on your next adventure together.
When my boys were little, I realized through their playtime antics that being a good mom is as simple as providing their daily bread.
The simple traditions we keep—the things we “always do”—create an underlying rhythm to our family life, a steady cadence that keeps us in step together. And besides that, it just makes life more fun…
Here are some of our favorite Read Alouds from 2022. Some made us laugh, some made us cry, some made us think. All brought us closer together because we shared them together. Which will you read?
As I watched the simple act of making a list of good things turn my son’s day around, I realized that there is power in giving thanks. When we are intentional about mining our memories for beautiful blessings and glimmers of goodness, our gaze shifts from the things of the self to the goodness of God so that we can’t help but “give thanks to the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of men” (Psalm 107:8, NKJ).
I wrote a story for the Hear Him Louder essay series in which God got my attention in a way that was humorous, humbling, and very, very loud!
There is undoubtedly something magical that happens when stories are shared together. One night, as our family finished reading The Green Ember series, the magic spread beyond our backyard and far out into our neighborhood…
Publishing The Neighborhood News provides a monthly creative challenge for our kids and a hefty dose of cheer for our neighbors. It truly is a win-win!
To be a sports fan is fairly straightforward; sit in the stands and cheer! But what does comparable support of the arts look like? What does it look like to be an “art fan?”
2021 was an amazing year for read alouds in our house. Read on to discover the books that made us laugh loud, think deep, and feel brave. Which one will you read next?
It stinks to be on the receiving end of a begrudging I guess. You make a request of someone and they do it, but instead of feeling blessed, you feel cursed. Instead of feeling gratitude, you feel like you owe them. The murky land of I guess is a disheartening place to be…
The story is delightful, the illustrations are darling, but the true magic of “Roxaboxen” is the invitation to come out and play.
This hilarious parody makes me laugh, and the teenagers bringing it to life on the stage make me proud.
This spring, I came across the “My Tree” nature journaling idea, and I jumped at the opportunity for us to celebrate the trees that withstood the winds of the derecho. Little did I know that a monthly check in with a tree would also serve as a reminder for me to stay on top of “My Kid” journaling efforts as well…
Picture this precious scene from five years ago; toddler-sized Bridger and Landon were sitting at the counter enjoying a warm, gooey treat. Each face was plastered with a big smile and a smear of chocolate.
When they were almost done, Landon looked at Bridger and said, very matter-of factly, “I have a messy face.”
We did some good reading in 2024! We journeyed to Rome, to Narnia, and to Hiberia. We listened in on war strategy meetings, solved mysteries, and laughed out loud. Maybe your next good read is on this list…