Wishtree: An Encouraging Story About a Tree (which those of us in Cedar Rapids could really use)
Books, Spring Rebecca LeVake Books, Spring Rebecca LeVake

Wishtree: An Encouraging Story About a Tree (which those of us in Cedar Rapids could really use)

A skunk named Hotbutteredpopcorn, a opossum named Flashlight, a girl named Samar…these are just a few of the characters that surround Red, the strong old oak at the center of this story that had us laughing and “rooting” for friendship and kindness to win the day. After another season of derecho cleanup, we were more than ready for an encouraging story about a tree…

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Fruit Pizza
Recipes, Spring Rebecca LeVake Recipes, Spring Rebecca LeVake

Fruit Pizza

I clearly remember the first time I experienced “potluck angst.” Andrew and I were newlyweds living in Boise, Idaho and I was asked to bring something to share at a baby shower brunch. This seemingly simple request weighed heavy on me as I faced one stressful decision after another…

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